Martial Arts Classes

   training classes for Adults

We welcome everyone with
different goals to join us.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

A grappling-based martial art whose central theme is the skill of controlling a resisting opponent in ways that force him to submit. Much of the technique is centered around the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions from where the opponent can be rendered harmless.

This class is suitable for students who are new to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and provides an ideal introduction to BJJ as it is specifically designed to give students a strong foundation in all aspects of BJJ, including self-defence, takedowns, and the fundamentals of BJJ. There will be no rolling in this class thus allowing students to learn in a more tranquil environment. The self-defense moves, way of thinking, technique applications, and sequential move combinations bring a unique dynamic class.

This class is specifically design for ladies (over 14 years of age) with the objective of better presenting Jiu-Jitsu to the ladies who are learning Jiu-Jitsu for the first time and do not feel comfortable participating in a mixed group class. This class also works on physical conditioning, allowing the athletic development of the students with a more feminine touch.

Focused primarily on rolling, our Competition class is designed to prepare students for competition. Students will get an overview of tournament scenarios and how to handle certain situations that will arise on the competition mat. This class is more intense, and it is catered to help students feel confident and be prepared for their upcoming competition. This program is offered to all belt levels however by invitation only.

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Muay Thai

Utilizing punches, elbows, kicks and knees, Muay Thai teaches ring-proven techniques for the competitive arena and self-defense.

Although the Thai art is a challenging physical workout that will hone your balance, speed and power, Hikari has classes for all fitness and skill levels.

Beginners Muay Thai class focuses on learning and perfecting the fundamentals of Muay Thai. Sessions also include light padwork, bagwork, and cardio/conditioning drills to develop the basic fitness required for Muay Thai. Students learn how to correctly hold kicking pad/focus mitts. There shall be no sparring during this class.

This class is suitable for beginners and those who have more experience in Muay Thai. Wear comfortable exercise clothes. Shorts (preferably without pockets) or tights, and t-shirt. A mouth guard is also optional at the start however we encourage you to get one soonest possible.

This Muay Thai class offers a higher intensity training coupled with more complex techniques and combinations for attack, counter and defence. Students are required to have a decent fundamentals of Muay Thai and moderate fitness levels prior to attending this class. Wear the comfortable exercise clothes such as t-shirt and shorts or tights for this class. A mouth guard is also optional at the start however we encourage you to get one soonest possible.

This class is dedicated to students who want to improve on their clinch work and sparring. It caters to students who already have a good amount of training experience and also for students who are preparing for fight competition. This session covers ring skills and fight fitness (stamina and conditioning).

Wear comfortable exercise clothes such as t-shirt and shorts or tights for this class. A mouth guard is essential. Students are required to bring their own gloves which are bigger in oz size for sparring (see reference below). Shin guards are also required for this class.

Glove size:

  • Ladies to wear between 12oz to 14oz
  • Men to wear between 14oz to 16oz


Boxers employ a variety of techniques and defensive manoeuvres to gain an advantage over their opponents. The basic punches used in boxing include the jab, hook, cross, and uppercut. These punches are executed with precision, speed, and power, aiming to land on the opponent’s head or body. Defensive techniques involve blocking, parrying, slipping, and ducking to avoid incoming punches.

Boxing is not only a competitive sport but also a form of physical fitness and self-defense training. Many individuals participate in boxing training to improve their overall cardiovascular fitness, strength, coordination, and reflexes. Boxing workouts often include a combination of aerobic exercises, shadow boxing, bag work, and sparring drills.

Beginners Boxing class focuses on learning and perfecting the fundamental footwork and punches. Sessions also include light padwork, bagwork, and cardio/conditioning drills to develop the basic fitness required for Boxing. Students learn how to work in pairs for combinations and drills. There shall be no sparring during this class.

This class is suitable for beginners and those who have more experience in Boxing. Wear comfortable exercise clothes. Shorts (preferably without pockets) or tights, and t-shirt. A mouth guard is also optional at the start however we encourage you to get one soonest possible.

The All Levels Boxing class offers a higher intensity training coupled with more complex techniques and combinations for attack, counter and defence. Students are required to have a decent fundamentals of Boxing and moderate fitness levels prior to attending this class. Wear the comfortable exercise clothes such as t-shirt and shorts or tights for this class. A mouth guard is also optional at the start however we encourage you to get one soonest possible.
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Be humble, fight smart and keep improving

If your goal is fitness driven, being a part of community
or competitive training, we have classes to suit your needs.
Our training helps people in becoming physically and
mentally strong, gaining self-confidence, self-esteem and positive-minded individuals.

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